Wednesday 26 June 2013

First meeting of some Galley Hill residents took place on 17th June 2013 @ 18:00 in  Queen Eleanor (Watling Way) School.

Lou explained what she had been doing on behalf of the residents for the past 18 months and was asking others to join her in creating a formal association that would look after the interests of the estate.

Lou has raised funding and has a few projects which require feedback from residents on how to proceed.
  • rear of play area meadow or cut grass?
  • what to do with Watling Way swimming pool
  • what to do with individual Court play area's
  • maintenance of failed grasscrete borders
  • educate/encourage dog owners to keep dogs from fouling area's where children play
  • election of committee 
  • to speed up communications it would help if there was a volunteer from each court who would be happy to post leaflets etc. to their court.   

It was decided that another rallying call be made to residents to meet on the 8th July 18:00 at the Queen Eleanor School where hopefully we can elect a residents committee and plan a way forward.